Online jobs from home without investment is the most searchable word on the web these days. Everyone who is literal in computers and the internet are looking for web money opportunities. But most of them are really not keen about the available online part time jobs in Sri Lanka. In this article, I am going to explain top 10 online jobs in Sri Lanka where you can learn and earn to become your own boss. I hope this article will help you to be a success in life and live leisurely.

It’s time for you to decide. Do you have free time? What are you doing in your free time? Just think. Talk to yourself. If you have free time, try to utilize that time on the Internet. But not for surfing gossips, try to surf some valuable things like online part time jobs in Sri Lanka, Online jobs in Sri Lanka for students and so on. You don’t need to have previous experience in stepping into Online Jobs.

Your designation doesn’t matter either. If you a housewife, professional or still a student, you have your choice on the Internet. Initially you have to identify your talents. Then you can search for the challenges. There are quite a lot of online jobs opportunities available on the Internet. Another thing is you can find part-time or full-time online jobs Sri Lanka without any investment.

What is 10 Latest Online Jobs Online jobs in Sri Lanka

Please spend the time to understand each & every online part time jobs  given below so that it will be easy for you to starting your work online.

  1. Selling Products and Services through the Internet
  2. Start a Blog Site or Website
  3. Social Media pages like Facebook page
  4. Freelancing
  5. Investing in Sri Lanka Stock Market
  6. Affiliate Marketing
  7. Start a Blog Site or Website
  8. YouTube
  9. Selling Pictures and Graphics online
  10. Online Consulting Service
  11. Build an Online Community

Work from Home Jobs are real or fake

In this article, I am giving you some tips and points where you can genuinely earn money through the Internet. All the following methods are guaranteed and all them are practiced and proven by myself. You need to allocate at least 4 hours per day or you can work full time if you have enough free time.

One thing to emphasize is, there is no way of making money overnight. If you start working online today, you cannot expect an income tomorrow morning. Nothing is impossible like that. You have to have patience in order to be the success with the Internet and your dedication is the main point in your success. All you need is your desire and passion for earning money through the Internet. What you need is a computer with an Internet connection or a smartphone.

In this blog post, I will brief you with some methods like online data entry in Sri Lanka, Graphic designer jobs, Investments and Buying, and Selling opportunities. Let’s discuss one by one for your easy references

1. Selling Products and Services through the Internet.

Now a day’s small businesses through the internet have become a favorite and a popular way of selling products and services. There is a huge help via social media also for small businesses. Also, we can use Online Websites available in Sri Lanka right now. You might have to invest a little and try out this method for selling Products and Services online. 

The main advantage for the customer would be the doorstep delivery options available on those online websites. Since people are really busy with schedules, providing doorstep delivery has increased sales through online websites. Among them, sites are more popular and you can register in these sites as sellers and start up your business even from today. Don’t keep wasting time on thinking, just register as sellers if you have anything to sell and start this work from home job and earn a handsome income.

2. Start a Blog Site or Website

If you can create a blog or a website and monetize, this is the correct way of money making thing. Have you seen there are google ads appeared in most of the website? If you can make a massive traffic to your website, Google AdSense is one of the way of earning e-money.

There can be 4 main ways of making money through a website or a blog. We will discuss this.

  1. Selling Products
    This is called e-commerce. If you have a trending product, you can definitely get a higher demand through the internet.
  2.  Displaying Adverts
    If you can pull thousands of visitors to your site, this will work. Else the earning would be smaller.
  3. Hosting Sponsored Contents
    If your site is growing prominence, you can host articles to make money through your website.
  4. Having a Subscription or Premium Membership
    If your site is unique and contents are more valuable, you can charge a membership.

Learn How to become your own boss by making your own website

3. Social Media pages like Facebook page.

online part time jobs Sri Lanka

Do you know that you can earn via Facebook? So think now. Why are we wasting our valuable time on Facebook just reading gossips? You can use Social Media Network to reach customers. This is going to be more popular these days. By creating a Facebook Business Page also you can earn money through the Internet. Creating a Facebook account is not a difficult task.
Rather than sharing photos to keep in touch with friends, we can share photos for the purpose of making money among friends. Apart from that you can advertise and sell products through Facebook. If you are keen to get a knowledge on facebook marketing please refer following points.

1.Selling Items through Facebook

Facebook users can give the geographical area which they prefer to limit selling items and can select them in their business pages. Even you can advertise your items through Facebook by spending a little amount.

2. Affiliate Marketing on Facebook

This means you are promoting someone’s product through Facebook to your contacts. Most of the product owners pay you for this promoting service.

3. Facebook Instant Articles

In this, you can promote Facebook articles on your website or your blog. Facebook is paying for that for advertisement.  Apply Instant Articles

4. Manage Facebook Accounts

Especially this feature offers by a reputed company or a celebrity which you can update, edit and share their posts on behalf of them. This can be done either a part-time or full-time basis according to their needs.
If you are not familiar to Create a Facebook page, please refer to the link.

4. Freelancing

freelance online jobs

For those who are capable of doing some work, this would be the best fit. Freelancing according to your skills. The main concern would be you can select either part-time or full-time work permits and you can work from home either. This is the most privileged job opportunity among them. You need only a computer and an Internet connection.
Many companies are looking for part-time workers who are skilled enough. If you think that you are capable for this, you can register in some freelancing sites. Below I have mentioned some best freelancing career opportunities available.

  • Design and Illustration
  • Transcription / Translations
  •  Computer and IT
  • Advertising Industries
  • Editing, Proofreading and writing
  • Administrative
  • Project Management
  • Data entry
  •  Research Analysis
  •  Software Development
  • Technical supports

One of the best freelance website is Fiverr recommend for beginners

If you select freelancing category, I think you have selected the correct path, because you can be your own boss in this. If your capability markets a lot, you could have demanded opportunity in the field

Here is Top 10 Graphic Design Freelance Websites for Make Money Online.

5. Investing in Sri Lanka Stock Market

online jobs sri lanka students

Investing in the Stock market is one of the main earning methods in Sri Lanka. What you have to is, open an account in Colombo Stocks Market through internet and trade. Before step into this, please try to learn something about stocks market. This lesson is applicable to anything. If you don’t know the subject very well, before step into the field you should learn something. There is a number of articles which you can learn through the web.
In the stocks market, a basic theory would be buying stocks when the price is lower and sell them when the price is getting higher. Then the price difference would be your profit. Learn more about Colombo Stock Exchange

In addition to that, you can gain money in two ways if you invest in Stocks Market.

  1. Capital Gains
    This is what I have explained earlier. Buy when lower and Sell when higher.
  2. Dividends
    Most companies share their profits among investors quarterly, semi-annually or annually. This depends on the number of stocks you own from that particular company.

6. Affiliate Marketing

There are numbers of Affiliate Networks on the internet. What you have to do is, promote any product or service through affiliate networks and earn a commission. This is one of the famous ways of earning money from home. There are companies who pay from 10% – 70% commission. You have a small thing to do. You have to promote a referral link to someone and make the sale success through the referral.
Flipkart, Clickbank, VCommission are some of the popular affiliate programs available in internet.

There are numbers of Affiliate Networks on the internet. What you have to do is, promote any product or service through affiliate networks and earn a commission. This is one of the famous ways of earning money from home. There are companies who pay from 10% – 70% commission. You have a small thing to do. You have to promote a referral link to someone and make the sale success through the referral.
Flipkart, Clickbank, VCommission are some of the popular affiliate programs available in internet.

7. YouTube

online jobs from home without investment

Currently, YouTube has become a famous media among internet crowd. There are numbers of YouTube channels all over the world has become very famous.
To learn on this, you can search a number of YouTube videos. Try your best to browse some channels which are details about them. Create YouTube account follow please refer the following link 

8. Selling Pictures and Graphics online

You might have heard about Shutterstock and iStockPhoto. If you are little creative and a good capture, this will be the opportunity for you. You can try this by today itself either you have the potential.

9. Online Consulting Service

There are people who needs your ideas and supports always. You have to cater to their needs and come up with a best solution. To do this, you should be a subject expert. If you have that ability, you could try that and see.

10. Build an Online Community

This could be the last point in this article, but not the least. You can earn money online by building a community. Building up a facebook group and you can try selling items among them. Likewise you can do many things among a community if you have ideas.

It’s going to be the end of this article. I hope now you can select the option which you are focusing on online making money. If you have more methods and concerns for this, everyone feels free to comment with your ideas.

Please note that your ideas will make my article stronger. Hence please comment with your valuable ideas and always welcome and appreciate your comments.